Going Vegan?

Let’s Talk Nutrition with Nutritional Yeast and Nooch!

Are you just beginning your vegan journey and wondering how to keep your nutrition game strong? Well, you’re in for a treat because we’re diving into the wonderful world of nutritional yeast - your vegan diet superhero!

Let’s Talk Nutrition with Nutritional Yeast and Nooch - view range.

Not your average yeast

Firstly, let’s talk about nutritional yeast - or as we like to call it, “Nooch” (because, honestly, it’s just more fun to say!). Nooch is not your average yeast. It’s a deactivated yeast, mostly found in the form of yellow flakes or powder, and it’s a powerhouse of nutrition.

B12 for vegans

One of the big questions we often get from our Marigold friends is about getting enough Vitamin B12. It’s a valid concern since B12 is mostly found in animal products. But guess what? Nooch is a source of, and is sometimes fortified with, B12, making it an excellent source for vegans. A sprinkle here, and a dash there, can help keep those B12 levels happy.

Protein and fibre

But that’s not all. Nooch is also a fantastic source of protein and fibre. It’s packed with all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein - something that’s super important in a plant-based diet. Whether you’re a gym enthusiast looking for extra protein or just trying to ensure you’re getting enough protein, Nooch is your go-to.


And let’s not forget the taste - Nooch adds a delightful cheesy, nutty flavor to dishes. It’s perfect for sprinkling over popcorn, stirring into soups, or making that dreamy vegan cheese sauce you’ve been craving.

Vegan adventure

Now, onto the broader spectrum of plant-based foods. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds is key to a well-rounded vegan diet. They’re not just colorful and delicious; they’re also brimming with essential nutrients, fibres, and antioxidants.


So, here’s our little mantra: Variety is the spice of life (and your diet!). Mix it up, experiment with different plant-based foods, and don’t forget to invite our award-winning Nooches to the party. It’s all about balancing taste and nutrition.


Remember, going vegan doesn’t mean compromising on taste or health. With nutritional yeast and a rainbow of plant-based foods, you’re all set for a nutritious, delicious vegan adventure. Happy eating!

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